Racial Justice Prayer & Action Challenge
Let us know you and/or your church are participating in the Racial Justice Prayer & Action Challenge by filling out the sign-up form (which will subscribe you to the GCORR newsletter). In June, everyone who fills out the sign-up form will receive a reminder email before the challenge begins.
Sign-Up Form
Our Christian principles charge us to be a community of prayer and action. We are to live in the tension of piety and work. Worldwide, we continue to experience racial, ethnic, and tribal injustices that dehumanize God’s people. We are called to work towards liberation — as a spiritual and actionable practice. For this reason, the General Commission on Religion and Race invites you to participate in the Racial Justice Prayer & Action Challenge. Beginning on Juneteenth (Monday, June 19, 2023) we will post daily prayers on social media for six weeks. We’ll also include weekly challenges to help you put your prayers into action.
We challenge you and your church to join us by doing each of the following:
Pray with us each day. Share the prayer on your social media and ask your friends to pray too.
Take action. Each week we will suggest anti-racist actions, pick one and do it.
Incorporate the liturgy in worship. We will offer liturgies for each Sunday during the challenge.
Host a community prayer service for racial justice. Use the litanies, scriptures, and prayers below and invite other faith communities to participate.
Below you’ll find the prayers in a downloadable form for use in worship services, small group settings, or as a prayer book for personal prayer time. In addition, we provide weekly litanies and a prayer service outline.
The prayers have been written by siblings in Christ across the globe. May we be blessed by the words of the global church as we lament, repent, experience healing and reconciliation, claim the hope, and work towards liberation. All prayers are also available in French, Korean, Spanish, Tagalog, and Tongan.
Additionally, we include YouTube videos of the prayers being read in multiple languages. Each week will be available in English, French, Spanish, and Tagalog.
Each week will have a featured theme and scripture, click on the links to read each week’s prayers:
We invite you to share your own posts as well and tag us (@gcorrumc) on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter and use the hashtag #prayforracialjustice.
Download your files here:
Prayer Booklets & Recordings:
Week 1 - Lamentation
Week 2- Repentance
Week 3 - Healing
Week 4 - Reconciliation
Week 5 - Hope
Week 6 - Liberation